
Facebook is a useful tool, we all know ... keep in touch with our friends, see which parties are, gossip goes around us (socially speaking), to find those pictures from when we were "nanos", create alumni groups and make a massive dinner, share our lives with all, or very few, or whoever you choose - depending on the privacy levels you set - Facebook is for all that and more, after all we are talking about one of the discoveries of the century, or if they should ask the more than 500 million consumers each day share their stories.
That is great, but I think if you're reading this, is because the above paragraph you do not care do you delete? you want to let you play, it's time to play seriously and make a difference. Am I wrong? Here we go ... How strengthen our business through Facebook? Fulfill strategic objectives through Facebook? "Reaching our target audience and create conversions? Is using Facebook as our weapon in social networks? Better yet ... how to use it as a tool for Online Marketing?
Facebook As a Marketing Tool Online
I collected several concepts that I believe could serve to position your brand on Facebook and promote your reach and social communication in this platform.
You might think - even that you've ventured - to create a profile of a friend for your brand, good is not far-fetched - at first - but why not follow the ethics of Facebook? We are not friends of the brands, we are fans, enthusiastic, passionate or whatever you call it ... also pages which offer many advantages and possibilities of editing, development and creation - not to mention applications like Involver, or MusicBox pagemode name a few ... more? ability to position our site and get to create a page can be perfect as the Victoria's Secret or Alicia Keys
It is important to position the brand from the beginning, so it is vital the page name (link to the custom name to your page once you have 25 fans) - it will not be able to change it once you establish - and is essential for positioning on Facebook and search engines.People will find your brand on Facebook, not a funny name, or a person.
Now that you have it, you can start with the optimization of the profile. Image: - your brand remember? - 200 x 600 maximum, but you also could serve 180 x 540 pixels.Begins to fill all aspects of the profile info associated with your brand. Create a campaign so that people can find you and tell your story, they want you to be brilliant, they want to learn from you. Depending on your brand profile (Business, singer, product ...) Give your community exactly what they need to know about you, complete each parameter as much as possible, everything is small!
Loud and clear: you're not on Facebook because it is! Did you know? Ok, thank goodness ... Give your community a reason - just one, it takes nothing more - so they can tell the world what they like about you. The big question about the ROI on Facebook round our heads very often. How do we know if there is ROI in Facebook? the best way is relishing exclusive offers to our fans. You can do this in many ways - you know with Social Media, there is always another way - offering only Facebook Fans -
Hey! not cross promotions with other social platforms - do not announce it anywhere else, or blogs, or Web site or email. It is a good way to gauge the effectiveness of your actions on Facebook. The other way would be to share the same action through your social media ecosystem and see if it spreads to other communities, which demonstrate that your marketing is viral. There are applications to do that ... buy something, get something "simple? well ... what are you waiting? Make no mistake, people interact with us online because they want OFFERS, want to give them "things" - again - what are you waiting for?
Share with your community, offers useful and interesting information - for them, not you - let them answer, interact with them, communication, "we send, we receive" offers what they want to receive what? get out there, down to the street and get to know them, are waiting! Important: give them total control of your wall, you can publish and display on the main page, not all brands do ... The more interaction there is between your community and, better statistics and better EdgeRank'll get - the algorithm to facebook used to give more visibility to your page. To emotionally connect with your community are not just status updates, you have photos, videos, reviews (opinions), surveys, games ...
Links and integrates your other social platforms and make Facebook the social ecosystem plays in your favor. All communication will flow and be consistent. Notice: Publishes different content on different platforms, otherwise your message will be repeated again and again, and be boring and repetitive ... Are you a fan of such marks?
You know what I love about social media? The limits are your imagination. You've seen the possibilities offered by Facebook, and those that remain to be discovered, limited in its use, is simply a mistake. Discover what use can give your Facebook page: events, customer support, online store offers, post-sales feedback, loyalty, etc. Depending on your goals and strategy, because you do not? Facebook can be your big chance, take it seriously and thinks like continuous power.
Why use Facebook? "Goals? "Strategy? "Actions? "Budget? Responsibility? Added value or Spam? Facebook requires a planning and implementation stage, sets standards, policies and terms and conditions of use. Start planning now, your actions have to have a meaning.
Here are some tips on where you should not go ...
Do not abuse the human relationships that are established in Facebook - the fine, after all, is all about human relations -
Do not send events indiscriminately, sets targets to meet them, If you send a UK event to a person who is in Alicante, is most likely to reject it - unless you have a private jet to stop at the door Use local events ... properly, with meaning and not to spam, no self-promotion
Beware of labels, ask first, some people do not want to be labeled
Set a timeline for publication of content, do not overload your community (or = spam)
Ask people if they want to follow, not force, nor to those who are indirectly connected to you.
Remember these are just a few stories, much more.
There are many possibilities to find your audience on Facebook. But Facebook is a platform - Ok, one with 500 million users and over which it has made a film, even - Even so, diversifies, it is implemented, your blog, other platforms and give meaning to each, but at the same time that everything is aligned. It's time to play seriously with Facebook, it's time to enhance our brand through Facebook.
That is great, but I think if you're reading this, is because the above paragraph you do not care do you delete? you want to let you play, it's time to play seriously and make a difference. Am I wrong? Here we go ... How strengthen our business through Facebook? Fulfill strategic objectives through Facebook? "Reaching our target audience and create conversions? Is using Facebook as our weapon in social networks? Better yet ... how to use it as a tool for Online Marketing?
Facebook As a Marketing Tool Online
I collected several concepts that I believe could serve to position your brand on Facebook and promote your reach and social communication in this platform.
You might think - even that you've ventured - to create a profile of a friend for your brand, good is not far-fetched - at first - but why not follow the ethics of Facebook? We are not friends of the brands, we are fans, enthusiastic, passionate or whatever you call it ... also pages which offer many advantages and possibilities of editing, development and creation - not to mention applications like Involver, or MusicBox pagemode name a few ... more? ability to position our site and get to create a page can be perfect as the Victoria's Secret or Alicia Keys
It is important to position the brand from the beginning, so it is vital the page name (link to the custom name to your page once you have 25 fans) - it will not be able to change it once you establish - and is essential for positioning on Facebook and search engines.People will find your brand on Facebook, not a funny name, or a person.
Now that you have it, you can start with the optimization of the profile. Image: - your brand remember? - 200 x 600 maximum, but you also could serve 180 x 540 pixels.Begins to fill all aspects of the profile info associated with your brand. Create a campaign so that people can find you and tell your story, they want you to be brilliant, they want to learn from you. Depending on your brand profile (Business, singer, product ...) Give your community exactly what they need to know about you, complete each parameter as much as possible, everything is small!
Loud and clear: you're not on Facebook because it is! Did you know? Ok, thank goodness ... Give your community a reason - just one, it takes nothing more - so they can tell the world what they like about you. The big question about the ROI on Facebook round our heads very often. How do we know if there is ROI in Facebook? the best way is relishing exclusive offers to our fans. You can do this in many ways - you know with Social Media, there is always another way - offering only Facebook Fans -
Hey! not cross promotions with other social platforms - do not announce it anywhere else, or blogs, or Web site or email. It is a good way to gauge the effectiveness of your actions on Facebook. The other way would be to share the same action through your social media ecosystem and see if it spreads to other communities, which demonstrate that your marketing is viral. There are applications to do that ... buy something, get something "simple? well ... what are you waiting? Make no mistake, people interact with us online because they want OFFERS, want to give them "things" - again - what are you waiting for?
Share with your community, offers useful and interesting information - for them, not you - let them answer, interact with them, communication, "we send, we receive" offers what they want to receive what? get out there, down to the street and get to know them, are waiting! Important: give them total control of your wall, you can publish and display on the main page, not all brands do ... The more interaction there is between your community and, better statistics and better EdgeRank'll get - the algorithm to facebook used to give more visibility to your page. To emotionally connect with your community are not just status updates, you have photos, videos, reviews (opinions), surveys, games ...
Links and integrates your other social platforms and make Facebook the social ecosystem plays in your favor. All communication will flow and be consistent. Notice: Publishes different content on different platforms, otherwise your message will be repeated again and again, and be boring and repetitive ... Are you a fan of such marks?
You know what I love about social media? The limits are your imagination. You've seen the possibilities offered by Facebook, and those that remain to be discovered, limited in its use, is simply a mistake. Discover what use can give your Facebook page: events, customer support, online store offers, post-sales feedback, loyalty, etc. Depending on your goals and strategy, because you do not? Facebook can be your big chance, take it seriously and thinks like continuous power.
Why use Facebook? "Goals? "Strategy? "Actions? "Budget? Responsibility? Added value or Spam? Facebook requires a planning and implementation stage, sets standards, policies and terms and conditions of use. Start planning now, your actions have to have a meaning.
Here are some tips on where you should not go ...
Do not abuse the human relationships that are established in Facebook - the fine, after all, is all about human relations -
Do not send events indiscriminately, sets targets to meet them, If you send a UK event to a person who is in Alicante, is most likely to reject it - unless you have a private jet to stop at the door Use local events ... properly, with meaning and not to spam, no self-promotion
Beware of labels, ask first, some people do not want to be labeled
Set a timeline for publication of content, do not overload your community (or = spam)
Ask people if they want to follow, not force, nor to those who are indirectly connected to you.
Remember these are just a few stories, much more.
There are many possibilities to find your audience on Facebook. But Facebook is a platform - Ok, one with 500 million users and over which it has made a film, even - Even so, diversifies, it is implemented, your blog, other platforms and give meaning to each, but at the same time that everything is aligned. It's time to play seriously with Facebook, it's time to enhance our brand through Facebook.
Facebook es una herramienta útil, todos lo sabemos…estar en contacto con nuestros amigos, ver a que fiestas van, cotillear que pasa a nuestro alrededor (socialmente hablando), encontrarnos con esas fotos de cuando éramos “nanos”, crear grupos de antiguos alumnos y hacer una cena multitudinaria, compartir nuestras vidas con todos, o con muy pocos, o con quien tu elijas – dependiendo de los niveles de privacidad que establezcas – Facebook sirve para todo eso y más, al fin y al cabo estamos hablando de uno de los descubrimientos del Siglo, o si no que se lo pregunten a los más de 500 millones de usuarios que cada día comparten sus historias.
Eso esta genial, sin embargo, me parece que si estás leyendo estas líneas, es porque el párrafo de arriba te da igual ¿lo borramos? tu quieres dejarte de juegos, es la hora de jugar en serio y de marcar la diferencia. ¿Me equivoco? Vamos allá…¿Como potenciar nuestro negocio a través de Facebook? ¿Cumplir objetivos estratégicos a través de Facebook? ¿Llegar a nuestro público objetivo y crear conversiones? ¿Utilizar Facebook como nuestra arma en las redes sociales? Mejor aún…¿Cómo usarlo como herramienta de Marketing Online?
Facebook Como Herramienta de Marketing Online
He recogido varios conceptos que creo que podrán servirte para posicionar tu marca en Facebook y potenciar tu alcance y comunicación en esta plataforma social.
Puede que pienses – incluso que ya te hayas aventurado – en crear un perfil de amigo para tu marca, bueno no es nada descabellado – en un principio – pero ¿Por qué no seguimos la ética de Facebook? No nos hacemos amigos de las marcas, nos hacemos Fans, entusiastas, apasionados o como quieras llamarlo…Además las páginas nos ofrecen muchas ventajas y posibilidades de edición, desarrollo y creación – sin mencionar las aplicaciones como Involver, PageModo o MusicBox por nombrar algunas…¿más? posibilidad de posicionar nuestra página y conseguir crear una página perfecta como lo puede ser la de Victoria’s Secret o Alicia Keys
Es importante posicionar la marca desde un principio, por eso es vital el nombre de la página (link para poder dar el nombre personalizado a tu página una vez tengas 25 fans) – pues no se va a poder cambiar más una vez lo establezcas – y es esencial para el posicionamiento en Facebook y en los buscadores. La gente va a buscar tu marca en Facebook, no un nombre gracioso, ni una persona.
Ahora que ya lo tienes, puedes empezar con la optimización del perfil. Imagen: – tu marca ¿recuerdas? – 200 x 600 como máximo, aunque también te podría servir 180 x 540 pixels. Empieza a rellenar toda la info del perfil con aspectos asociados a tu marca. Crea una campaña para que la gente te pueda encontrar y cuéntales tu historia, ellos quiere que seas brillante, ellos quieren aprender de ti. Dependiendo de tu perfil de marca (Business, cantante, producto…) Dale a tu comunidad exactamente lo que necesitan saber de ti, completa cada parametro al máximo posible, todo es poco!
Alto y claro: no estás en Facebook por estar! ¿Lo sabías? Ok, menos mal…Dale a tu comunidad una razón – solo una, no hace falta más – para que le puedan decir al mundo que es lo que les gusta de ti. La gran pregunta sobre el ROI en Facebook ronda nuestras cabezas muy a menudo. ¿Cómo podemos saber si hay ROI en Facebook? la mejor manera es oferecer ofertas exclusivas a nuestros fans. Puedes hacerlo de muchas maneras – ya sabes con Social Media, siempre hay otro camino – ofreciendo sólo a Facebook Fans -
Hey! no cruces promociones con otras plataformas sociales – no lo anuncies en ningún otro sitio, ni blogs, ni sitio Web, ni email. Es una buena forma de poder medir la eficacia de tus acciones en Facebook. El otro camino, sería compartir la misma acción a través de tu ecosistema social media y observar si se expande a las otras comunidades , lo cual demostraría que tu Marketing es viral. Hay aplicaciones para hacer eso… Compra algo, obtén algo ¿simple? bien…¿a qué esperas? No nos engañemos, la gente interactúa con nosotros online porque quieren OFERTAS, quieren que les demos “cosas” – otra vez – ¿a qué esperas?
Comparte con tu comunidad, ofrece información útil y de interés – para ellos, no para ti – hazles respuestas, interactua con ellos, comunicación: “nosotros enviamos, nosotros recibimos” ofrece lo que quieren recibir ¿cómo? sal ahí fuera, baja a la calle y conócelos, están esperándote! Importante: dales total control de tu muro, que puedan publicar y que se muestre en la página principal, no todas las marcas lo hacen… Cuanto más interacción haya entre tu comunidad y tu, mejores estadísticas tendrás y mejor EdgeRank obtendrás – el algortimo que facebook utiliza para darle más visibilidad a tu página. Para vincular emocionalmente con tu comunidad no están solo las actualizaciones de estado, tienes las fotos, vídeos, las críticas (opiniones), encuestas, juegos…
Vincula e integra tus otras plataformas sociales a Facebook y haz que el ecosistema social juegue a tu favor. Todo fluirá y la comunicación sera constante. aviso: publica diferente contenido en las diferentes plataformas, de lo contrario tu mensaje se repetirá una y otra vez, y serás aburrido y repetitivo…¿Eres fan de ese tipo de marcas?
¿Sabes lo que me encanta de social media? que los límites los pone tu imaginación. Ya has visto las posibilidades que nos ofrece Facebook, y las que quedan por descubrir, limitarnos en cuanto a su uso, es sencillamente un error. Descubre que uso le puedes dar a tu página de Facebook: eventos, atención al cliente, tienda online, ofertas, post-venta, feedback, fidelización, etc. Depende de tus objetivos y estrategia, porque la tienes ¿no? Facebook puede ser tu gran oportunidad, tómalo seriamente y piensa como potenciarlo continuamente.
¿Para qué usas Facebook? ¿Objetivos? ¿Estrategia? ¿Acciones? ¿Presupuesto? ¿Responsables? ¿Valor añadido o Spam? Facebook requiere una etapa de planificación e implementación, establece parámetros, políticas y términos y condiciones de uso. Empieza ahora con la planificación, tus acciones tienen que tener un sentido.
Ahí van unos consejos de por donde no deberías ir…
No abuses de las relaciones humanas que estableces en Facebook – al fina y al cabo, es todo sobre relaciones humanas -
No mandes eventos indiscriminadamente, establece targets que se ajusten a ellos; Si mandas un evento de UK a una persona que está en alicante, lo más probable es que lo rechace – a no ser que tenga un jet privado que le deje en la puerta del local…Utiliza los eventos debidamente, con significado y no para spammear, ni auto-promoción
Cuidado con las etiquetas, pregunta primero, hay gente que no desea ser etiquetada
Fija un timeline de publicación de contenidos, no sobrecargues tu comunidad (o = spam)
Pregunta a la gente si quiere seguirte, no los fuerces, ni tampoco a aquellos que indirectamente están conectados a ti.
Recuerda que estos son tan solo unos cuentos, faltan muchos más.
Hay muchas posibilidades de encontrar a tu audiencia en Facebook. Pero Facebook es una plataforma más – Ok, una con 500 millones de usuarios y sobre la que se ha hecho una película, incluso – Aún así, diversifica, es más implementa, tu Blog, otras plataformas y dale un sentido a cada una, pero a la misma vez que todo esté alineado. Es hora de jugar en serio con Facebook, es hora de potencia nuestra marca a través de Facebook.
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