
Traditional online advertising is effective even without clicking and also their continued exposure creates a long-term positive impact on the image of the brand.
This emerges from a study by the German Association of Digital Economy (BVDW) which states that the success and effectiveness of online advertising does not only reside in the results measured using the figures reported in the number of clicks, but the factor of branding and exposure of the brand on the internet can also help generate a positive impact on them.
The study for which they were tested campaigns from different brands like MINI, Opel, Philips, LG, Maggi and Nesquik, also said its main conclusions that the "online branding" through display advertising on the Internet can serve an impact could persist in the minds of users and consumers even weeks after exposure.
In this sense, Arne Wolter Vice-President of OVK BVDW said, "Branding strategies on the Internet are becoming more common, so we are at a stage where there is a need to define the parameters needed for management brand in this environment. "
Despite stating that in future advertising model based on the click could pass the background, the fact is that for the time being Branding based online display advertising appears to be the most overlooked by companies ... or not.
Brands bet online branding to increase the level of recall among users and consumers
We must say that the online branding goes far beyond advertising strategies based exclusively on graphics. In social networks involving trademarks was intensified thereby being able to demonstrate the positive effects of creating a direct relationship with the users and consumers. Branding is no longer limited to playing with the creative elements of the brand itself but extends the premise to be present and participate actively in the environment and social media.
On the Internet, brands have taken the lead as a champion of Social Media Marketing.However, the conversation alone is not enough. Brands should keep looking and creative visibility and visual impact. Before joining the conversation, the names must comply with a clear objective, to be identified and recognized in the minds of consumers.
The segmentation of online media allows companies to analyze and identify patterns directly related to all professional sectors differentiated by theme, target audience, user profile, etc ... and this is where brands seek greater visibility to strengthen their impact and recall level.
For this reason, companies have begun to broaden their vision in this area looking for new scenarios in which detect values that can be inherited and transmitted to their associated brands in those areas. The mere fact that consumers perceive them as having a set of values that draw means they will reject or at least tend to reject names that do not exhibit these values.
Therefore, large companies have decided to take a 360 degree turn and bet heavily on marketing strategies and online branding in order to maximize impact, visibility, and increase the level of recall among users and consumers.
But if this is so important. Why online advertising based on clicks forget the value of branding?
The CPC, which stands for (cost per click) has been far more widespread advertising model and used by companies and advertisers to advertise on the Internet, although many media and means this model is no longer considered a profitable and attractivefor other models such as CPM (cost per thousand impressions) or direct sponsorship.
However, no internet means everyone wins. Many of the results-based advertising models that are forgotten aspects of Branding and brand strategies should also report a compensation means available to their advertising media.
Unlike what happens in the world of traditional advertising, the Internet and especially in the "CPC campaigns based graphics, it appears that the value of branding has moved to the background and more, in some way belittles, underestimated and forgotten that the presence, visibility and notoriety of a brand are very important factors which have to be adjusted in the cost of some models of online advertising.
Certainly from the point of view of the "poster online, the current approach offers the possibility to reduce costs and adjust according to their results and online advertising campaigns with low budgets and without the need for large investments.
Why many are saying about the real value of the click and display advertising as advertising model based on this may be seen as an abuse to the media and media that use online advertising to deliberately develop branding campaigns from which we all know that there will be no clicks.
So this is where we detected the urgent need to define the parameters required for brand management and quantification of their impacts on an advertising model valid for a medium like the Internet.
The branding in other media
In other media such as television, radio and newspapers has lived for decades with advertising models that have little to do with that today thrive in the Internet medium and where the impact and visibility of the brand is still a factor highly valued and taken into account.
Until the arrival of the current economic crisis, the print media survived thanks to a strong influx of brands and advertisers willing to spend much of their advertising investment in this type of media with full-page ads promoting its star product newslooking for a direct impact on the reader.
Some cases, such as broadcasting the Super Bowl where advertisers spend huge amounts to advertise their spots can be an example to understand that advertising campaigns are not only based on the return or the answer immediately, but in building the reputation and impact of a product or brand. These processes related to the tactics of branding strategy based on the exposure of the brand itself.
In the world of sports sponsorship, sports models are considered better positioned to promote and build brands with clear examples of companies like Bwin who have invested large sums of money to become official sponsors of major sports clubs.
Obviously at this point we understand that although we can say that the online advertising business has grown considerably, we still need some maturity to understand and appreciate all that advertising and brand awareness are more than thousands of clicks.
This emerges from a study by the German Association of Digital Economy (BVDW) which states that the success and effectiveness of online advertising does not only reside in the results measured using the figures reported in the number of clicks, but the factor of branding and exposure of the brand on the internet can also help generate a positive impact on them.
The study for which they were tested campaigns from different brands like MINI, Opel, Philips, LG, Maggi and Nesquik, also said its main conclusions that the "online branding" through display advertising on the Internet can serve an impact could persist in the minds of users and consumers even weeks after exposure.
In this sense, Arne Wolter Vice-President of OVK BVDW said, "Branding strategies on the Internet are becoming more common, so we are at a stage where there is a need to define the parameters needed for management brand in this environment. "
Despite stating that in future advertising model based on the click could pass the background, the fact is that for the time being Branding based online display advertising appears to be the most overlooked by companies ... or not.
Brands bet online branding to increase the level of recall among users and consumers
We must say that the online branding goes far beyond advertising strategies based exclusively on graphics. In social networks involving trademarks was intensified thereby being able to demonstrate the positive effects of creating a direct relationship with the users and consumers. Branding is no longer limited to playing with the creative elements of the brand itself but extends the premise to be present and participate actively in the environment and social media.
On the Internet, brands have taken the lead as a champion of Social Media Marketing.However, the conversation alone is not enough. Brands should keep looking and creative visibility and visual impact. Before joining the conversation, the names must comply with a clear objective, to be identified and recognized in the minds of consumers.
The segmentation of online media allows companies to analyze and identify patterns directly related to all professional sectors differentiated by theme, target audience, user profile, etc ... and this is where brands seek greater visibility to strengthen their impact and recall level.
For this reason, companies have begun to broaden their vision in this area looking for new scenarios in which detect values that can be inherited and transmitted to their associated brands in those areas. The mere fact that consumers perceive them as having a set of values that draw means they will reject or at least tend to reject names that do not exhibit these values.
Therefore, large companies have decided to take a 360 degree turn and bet heavily on marketing strategies and online branding in order to maximize impact, visibility, and increase the level of recall among users and consumers.
But if this is so important. Why online advertising based on clicks forget the value of branding?
The CPC, which stands for (cost per click) has been far more widespread advertising model and used by companies and advertisers to advertise on the Internet, although many media and means this model is no longer considered a profitable and attractivefor other models such as CPM (cost per thousand impressions) or direct sponsorship.
However, no internet means everyone wins. Many of the results-based advertising models that are forgotten aspects of Branding and brand strategies should also report a compensation means available to their advertising media.
Unlike what happens in the world of traditional advertising, the Internet and especially in the "CPC campaigns based graphics, it appears that the value of branding has moved to the background and more, in some way belittles, underestimated and forgotten that the presence, visibility and notoriety of a brand are very important factors which have to be adjusted in the cost of some models of online advertising.
Certainly from the point of view of the "poster online, the current approach offers the possibility to reduce costs and adjust according to their results and online advertising campaigns with low budgets and without the need for large investments.
Why many are saying about the real value of the click and display advertising as advertising model based on this may be seen as an abuse to the media and media that use online advertising to deliberately develop branding campaigns from which we all know that there will be no clicks.
So this is where we detected the urgent need to define the parameters required for brand management and quantification of their impacts on an advertising model valid for a medium like the Internet.
The branding in other media
In other media such as television, radio and newspapers has lived for decades with advertising models that have little to do with that today thrive in the Internet medium and where the impact and visibility of the brand is still a factor highly valued and taken into account.
Until the arrival of the current economic crisis, the print media survived thanks to a strong influx of brands and advertisers willing to spend much of their advertising investment in this type of media with full-page ads promoting its star product newslooking for a direct impact on the reader.
Some cases, such as broadcasting the Super Bowl where advertisers spend huge amounts to advertise their spots can be an example to understand that advertising campaigns are not only based on the return or the answer immediately, but in building the reputation and impact of a product or brand. These processes related to the tactics of branding strategy based on the exposure of the brand itself.
In the world of sports sponsorship, sports models are considered better positioned to promote and build brands with clear examples of companies like Bwin who have invested large sums of money to become official sponsors of major sports clubs.
Obviously at this point we understand that although we can say that the online advertising business has grown considerably, we still need some maturity to understand and appreciate all that advertising and brand awareness are more than thousands of clicks.
La publicidad online tradicional es efectiva incluso sin hacer clic y además su continua exposición genera un impacto positivo a largo plazo sobre la propia imagen de la marca.
Así se desprende de un estudio desarrollado por la Asociación Alemana de Economía Digital (BVDW) en el que se señala que el éxito y la efectividad de la publicidad online no sólo residen en los resultados medibles a través de las cifras reportadas del número de clics, sino que el factor del branding y la exposición continuada de la marca en internet también puede ayudar a generar un impacto positivo sobre las mismas.
El estudio para el cual fueron analizadas campañas de diferentes marcas como MINI, Opel, Philips, LG, Maggi o Nesquik, también señala entre sus principales conclusiones el hecho de que el "branding online" a través de la publicidad gráfica en Internet puede servir para generar un impacto capaz de perdurar en la mente de los usuarios y consumidores incluso semanas después de su exposición.
En este sentido, Arne Wolter Vice-Presidente de la OVK BVDW señaló que "las estrategias de Branding en internet son cada vez más habituales, por lo que nos encontramos en un momento donde existe la necesidad de definir los parámetros necesarios para la gestión de la marca en dentro de este entorno".
A pesar de manifestar que en un futuro el modelo publicitario basado en el clic podría pasar a un segundo plano, lo cierto es que de momento el Branding online basado en la publicidad gráfica parece ser el gran olvidado por las empresas... o no.
Las marcas apuestan por el branding online para aumentar el nivel de recuerdo entre los usuarios y consumidores
Debemos de afirmar que el Branding online se extiende mucho más allá de las estrategias basadas exclusivamente en publicidad gráfica. En las redes sociales la participación de las marcas comerciales se ha visto intensificada pudiéndose demostrar con ello, los efectos positivos de generar una relación directa con los propios usuarios y consumidores. El branding ya no se reduce a jugar con los elementos creativos de la propia marca sino que se amplía bajo la premisa de estar presente y participar de forma activa en los entornos y medios sociales.
En internet, las marcas han tomado la iniciativa como abanderas del Social Media Marketing. Sin embargo, la conversación por sí sola no es suficiente. Las marcas buscan y deben de mantener su visibilidad creativa e impacto visual. Antes de formar parte en la conversación, las marcas deben de cumplir con un claro objetivo, ser identificadas y reconocidas en la mente de los consumidores.
La segmentación de los medios de internet permite que las empresas puedan analizar e identificar patrones relacionados directamente con todo tipo de sectores profesionales diferenciados por temática, público objetivo, perfil del usuario, etc... y es en ellos donde las marcas buscan una mayor visibilidad para aumentar su impacto y nivel de recuerdo.
Por esta razón las empresas han comenzado a ampliar su visión en este sentido buscando nuevos escenarios donde detectar valores que puedan ser heredados, asociados y transmitidos hacia sus marcas para instalarse en ellos. El sólo hecho de que los consumidores las perciban como poseedoras de una serie de valores que los atraigan, significa que rechazarán o al menos tenderán a rechazar aquellos nombres que no presenten dichos valores.
Por ello, las grandes empresas han decidido dar un giro de 360 grados y apostar fuertemente por las estrategias de marketing y branding online con el objetivo de potenciar su impacto, visibilidad, y aumentar el nivel de recuerdo entre los usuarios y consumidores.
Pero si esto es tan importante. ¿por qué la publicidad online basada en clics se olvida del valor de Branding?
El CPC, acrónimo de (coste por clic) ha sido hasta el momento el modelo publicitario más extendido y utilizado por empresas y anunciantes para publicitarse a través de internet, aunque para muchos soportes y medios este modelo ha dejado de considerarse una alternativa rentable y atractiva a favor de otros modelos como el CPM ( coste por mil impresiones ) o el Patrocinio directo.
Sin embargo, en el medio internet no todos ganan. Muchos de los modelos publicitarios basados en resultados se olvidan de que los aspectos relacionados con el Branding o de que las estrategias de marcas deberían también de reportar una compensación a los medios que disponen sus soportes publicitarios.
A diferencia de lo que ocurre en el mundo de la publicidad tradicional, en internet y sobre todo en las "campañas gráficas basadas en CPC", parece que el valor del Branding ha pasado a ocupar un segundo plano y es más, de alguna forma se menosprecia, se subestima y se olvida de que la presencia, visibilidad y notoriedad de un marca son factores sumamente importantes y que necesariamente han de ajustarse en los costes de algunos modelos de publicidad online.
Es cierto que desde el punto del vista del "anunciante online", el planteamiento actual ofrece la posibilidad de reducir y ajustar costes en función de sus resultados y realizar campañas de publicidad online con bajos presupuestos o sin la necesidad de realizar grandes inversiones.
Por ello son muchos son los que opinan acerca del valor real del clic y de como la publicidad gráfica basada en este modelo publicitario puede llegar a considerarse un abuso para los medios y soportes que recurren a la publicidad online para desarrollar de forma deliberada campañas de branding de las que todos sabemos que no va a haber clics.
Por lo tanto es aquí donde detectamos la falta imperiosa de definir los parámetros necesarios para la gestión de la marca y la cuantificación de sus impactos bajo un modelo publicitario valido para un medio como internet.
El branding en otros medios de comunicación
En otros medios como la televisión, la radio o la prensa escrita ha convivido durante décadas con modelos de publicidad que poco tienen que ver con los que hoy en día proliferan en el medio Internet y donde el impacto y la visibilidad de las marca sigue siendo un factor altamente valorado y tomado en cuenta.
Hasta la llegada de la actual crisis económica, los medios de prensa escrita sobrevivían gracias a una sólida afluencia de marcas y anunciantes dispuestas a destinar gran parte de su inversión publicitaria en este tipo de medios con anuncios a toda página promocionando sus novedades y productos estrella en busca de un impacto directo en el lector.
Algunos casos como la retransmisión de la Super bowl donde los anunciantes invierten grandes cantidades para publicitar sus spots pueden servir de ejemplo para entender que las acciones publicitarias no sólo se fundamentan en el retorno o la respuesta inmediata sino en la construcción, la reputación y el impacto de un producto o una marca. Estos procesos más asociados a las tácticas de Branding basan su estrategia en la exposición continuada de la propia marca.
En el mundo de los deportes los patrocinios deportivos son considerados los modelos mejor posicionados para la promoción y construcción de las marcas con claros ejemplos de compañías como Bwin que han invertido importantes cantidades de dinero para convertirse en patrocinadores oficiales de grandes clubes deportivos.
Evidentemente llegado a este punto entenderemos que aunque podamos afirmar que el negocio de la publicidad online ha crecido considerablemente, todavía es necesario cierta madurez para entender y sobre todo valorar que la publicidad y la conciencia de marca son mucho más que miles de clicks.
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